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LeetCode 654. Maximum Binary Tree


You are given an integer array nums with no duplicates. A maximum binary tree can be built recursively from nums using the following algorithm:

Create a root node whose value is the maximum value in nums.
Recursively build the left subtree on the subarray prefix to the left of the maximum value.
Recursively build the right subtree on the subarray suffix to the right of the maximum value.
Return the maximum binary tree built from nums.

Input: nums = [3,2,1,6,0,5]
Output: [6,3,5,null,2,0,null,null,1]

method: 递归


  • 用个maxIndex就可以了,不需要maxValue
  • begin==end说明前面最大值在边界,传的是[begin,end),相等的话就是空
TreeNode* traversal(vector<int>& nums, int begin, int end) {
    if (begin >= end) return nullptr;   // 最大值在最右边或最左边
    int maxIndex = begin;   // 从begin开始
    for (int i = begin; i < end; i++) { // 从begin开始
        if (nums[i] > nums[maxIndex]) {
            maxIndex = i;
    TreeNode* root = new TreeNode(nums[maxIndex]);
    root->left = traversal(nums, begin, maxIndex);  // 左闭右开
    root->right = traversal(nums, maxIndex + 1, end);
    return root;
TreeNode* constructMaximumBinaryTree(vector<int>& nums) {
    return traversal(nums, 0, nums.size());


文章作者: kunpeng
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