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  1. However, most research fails to account adequately for limited energy on each UAV, which involves in many factors such as different operations for performing a task and various movement patterns besides the distance and turns that have been commonly considered.
  1. By contrast, we conduct a series of experiments to obtain the energy model of UAVs.
  1. Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are receiving increased attention by humanitarian organizations as they can help overcoming last-mile distribution problems.
  1. Energy–aware drone routing problems are considered in [8,11,28] where the energy consumption of the drone is assumed to depend on one or more of the flight related parameters: payload, speed, distance and altitude.
  1. We mathematically derive and experimentally validate an energy consumption model for multirotor drones, demonstrating that energy consumption varies approximately linearly with payload and battery weight.
  1. Predicting the performance of a specific UAV, in terms of ability to complete a mission, is a challenging task, since a number of variables are to be considered such as the UAV payload, path direction, waypoint spacing in a three- dimensional space, etc. Nevertheless, having realistic models to predict the performance of the UAV is fundamental to the success of these applications.

文章作者: kunpeng
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